Ken Clipperton
Ken Clipperton

I care about senior adults and the elderly.

I have since childhood, when I delivered a widower neighbor's mail to him each day because he had difficulty getting from his house to his mailbox. George always invited me in. I loved the aroma of his pipe tobacco and listening to his stories about working in the Omaha bomber plant during WWII. And, of course, he loved having an eager listener.

During my teen years I helped an elderly neighbor lady with all kinds of chores around the house and yard, and took her to the grocery store or picked up things for her from the grocery store. I am pretty sure she was disappointed that I didn't want to learn how to play Canasta with her and her sister who lived with her.

For another elderly friend, I became her weekly ride to church on Sundays. She paid me back by praying for me, and by sharing her counsel with me.

More recently, I have helped home-bound members of our church get set up to watch livestreams of our Sunday morning services or deal with various home computer and networking challenges.

Today, Fraud and isolation are major problems affecting senior adults, especially those suffering from health problems especially dementia and hearing impairments. As an IT professional and the "family techie" for more than twenty years, I helped my parents stay connected through several transitions and years of declining health. My mom often told me, "Everybody needs a techie." But not everyone has a techie, and family techies may not know about, or know how to implement, the technologies that can connect and protect their loved ones. Caregiver Technology Solutions™ helps family caregivers and the senior adults stay connected safely™. I have identified several readily available, cost-effective technologies that can reduce the risk of being defrauded of one's life savings without isolating loved ones from their family and friends. I also identify other technologies that help senior adults stay connected in spite of declining health. These help to avoid or overcome the isolation that they would otherwise experience. So far, these include connected family photo frames/tablet computers with video call capabilities, and captioning phones that enable people with hearing impairments to have phone conversations again. My background includes more than 25 years leadership experience implementing and managing IT and telecommunications systems in higher education, and my experiences helping my parents through multiple transitions. The technologies I implemented enabled them to stay connected with family and friends through those transitions. I want to help other families experience those same benefits.

Medium member since October 2021
Ken Clipperton

Ken Clipperton

Ken Clipperton is the founder of Caregiver Technology Solutions, a dba entity of Clipperton Technology Consulting Group, Inc.